the living camera eye
(too old to reply)
W. K. Mahler. mahlers.com
2005-01-01 19:56:41 UTC
lasik surgery anyone?

i had it, summer 2000

it was said, that if the eye seems to go blind temporarily, smokes and or
smells like burning hair.

it isn't permanent that you'd be blind 100 percent of the time.

i did go blind for seconds

after the dual eye surgery, one after the other

it was my left eye, that did smoke, burn and go blind during the process

and was the better of the two eyes

but now


a child who saw me at cumberland farms today

looked me in the face

and said to her mom

"that must be the camera they put in his eyes"

at the time,

my left eye was twitching
as if it were a camera shutter.

for almost a week now.

not 24/7 but it is even as i type

now i don't know if there are pictures going anywhere, and if they are, i
don't know where at all.

i do know that there is nuclear science out there that was based on fiction,
the 6 million dollar man, with a bionic eye.

it is m2 technologies inc. www.m2tech.us that has been researched on the
internet by many that lead to the idea that such photographic technology may

i do know

i was and still am totally serious

that the effects of anti psychotics do cause eye twitching

and i do not have prescriptions for those that are given to me to go have

nor does cape cod hospital and bayview associates have the legal right to
dispense without my consent.

i am not a patient currently of either of them.

so as this stomach of mine has an ache.

and i am continually harrassed to take medicines of the mind

i am only left to theorize that

someone has put them in me.

i don't care if it was a federal law

i don't care if it were a law of love

i am hereby telling you of my intent.

to bring to justice, the persons responsible

at all costs.

i do not enjoy being partially whole.

i do not condone it either.

i do not believe for a second that i am doing any good, as good as i could.

view the movie "a beautiful mind", an oscar winner.

the math genius in that movie was forcefully drugged and he could not
function as a husband at any level with medicines.
he could not work his mathmatical expertise as well and could not hold a job

he got off the medicine permanently. he did much better afterwards.

those medicines then, albiet updated and there are new ones.

do indeed cause the same effects wholly.

i do fully intend to come to the root cause of a few persons decisions to
enact what they may have. justice, my brand of justice will be served.

now please, get me off cape cod permanently and out of this country
http://www.mahlers.com World Media Host Org.
http://worldmediahost.no-ip.com:8000 Internet Radio
http://www.winamp.com/player Windows & Mac
Concert For South East Asia, www.gillettestadium.com
Make it happen and smile with the entire world.
alt.binaries.photos.original www.teranews.com
W. K. Mahler. mahlers.com
2005-01-02 03:38:07 UTC

altought "band of brothers" and corran are two seperate intenties unto
themselves, it is that i know of two persons on cape cod who whole heartedly
study both and incorporate themselves into both.

they are


not related to me.

although it is wrong to stone a woman to death for being raped.

it is also equall wrong to have a woman, married or not be forced into being
raped of the peace of soul any higher power gives unto a woman.

although those images within that group are said to be of rape.

it is the persons who set up the camera who talked a woman into it, that are
essentially the rapists as well as those in the film itself.

even if a woman agrees to such said act and others try to talk the woman out
of it, that woman probably isn't in full control of herself and her

it is not an act of saving peace to have a man who is a faction of another
race of war or not all in the name of peace or not and then go onto another
man of race, etc.

stoning a woman to death for being raped is equal to a woman being forced or
not into continual rape of the sanctity of soul an dedication of one partner
for life.

although divorce is still untolerated by many forms of religion, it unto
itself, the meaning of, definition of divorce is oft forgotten or not
understood leading up to the facing of the inner self and reality of said
actions of divorce. it is meant to effectivly cut off any relations between
man and woman as husband and wife, not just in the legal paper meaning, but
spiritual as well.


i also fully meant and to this day due truly in my soul and to you that i am
effectivly cut off from any sense of the word, bonding, relations of any
kind with the kellys of centerville massachusetts.

there is no relationship of any kind except me vs. evil. evil being them.

it is that easy to have someone post for them what they want posted.

i stepped outside tonight into the street. a vehicle stopped in its tracks
upon sight of me. it backed up and went down another road.

it is the same kind of vehicle that was in the area the other night.

whether a kelly knows it or not, a green ford trooper or jeep of the same
kind she drove, is also the same that have been coming into my area.

as if someone knew they'd be face to face with serious damage to them for
attempting to bring to them my spouse for any kind of act against the
sanctity of marriage. which has been, sorry to say broken far to long, too
many times.

all in the name of put your heart where it belongs.

i know i had and i know it was crossed.

mental health drugs, put in illegally or not can and will do damage to a

but yet worse than that is the effects of the as above described takes its
toll on humanity.

believe in revalations or not.


the world got worse

nobody could stop themselves enough. i dot not condon it, i dont want it in
my life personally at all, nor professionally.

at least i know in a professional sense, albiet intertwined with the
personal, it is not my intent, nor has it ever been to allow such actions to

please understand, in the country that i am a native of, born here and
raised here, the united states of america, i am not a hired official of the
government at any level. i am not a president of the country.

i am the president and owner of the newly formed world media host.

i cannot stop a madness in this world, i can only seperate myself from it.

it is but the imagery that i allow my mind to see inside, that is not a wish
to come true, nor is it a forced situation that should.

it is that of which i know that occurs, that i can view via the internet and
or there face to face that i, for all reasons, do not condon as an act of my

it was said that gustav mahler, had sexual fantasies he wanted his wife to
be involved with, that is not, nor ever was the case with me, william

i know i've written much, i've never partaken. i've come close but never
enacted as such.

it isn't just the kellys

its the marriage counselor that tells the patient, go have an affair, or try
sex therapy whether your husband and or wife shall know, condon it or not.

it is the brother that can't stop his alcohol abuse, drug abuse that doesn't
stop to realize the attention he wants is there within his home.

it is the woman, once a child who was surrounded by the erotic fantasy
writers who took literal the meaning of production and surrounded her with
every facet of their lives, in person or not.

it is the coerced by the police who want to live in peace, want the primal
side of them that anyone deserves to have yet is forced to choose with sins
of old, laws broken of old and the reality of the anytime, anyplace, for any
reason a law person, policeman, trooper, federal employee, can enact a
scenario that does indeed include the possibilities of the seemingly good
time yet with the threat accepted or not of facing charges of breaking
local, state and federal laws at all levels.

it is the person who lies to sleep, so deep after many days and nights of
semi sleep, who is also forced into using psychiatric drugs by those of whom
had it prescribed for themselves but forced into the unwilling.
it is the surface of truths, the depths of lies also known as acting that is
hard to seperate sometimes from the reality of a situation. it is the
nowhere to turn and trust anyone for anyone is at risk of being thrust into
said situation. everyone has a price, everyone has a motive, everyone has a
threshold, at all levels of being, in any social scenario and position in

it is the consious kept at any level, the instinctual attended to and

it is the effects of mind changing drugs, illegal or not that do promote
catastrophe at all levels. as described above.

it is the absolute want of mine, yet knowing i can't always get what i want.

it is the absolute urgency of mine to leave my home of cape cod permenantly.

it is the knowledge of nelson mandela and his time in prison for 22 years
when he ought not have. it is that time with his spiritual connection into
the heart and souls of anyone that is oft, argued as to who's allegiance one
is with or not.

it is ghandi, who could be with anyone mans woman and not pose a threat of
disrespect towards and into the sanctity of marriage and or being left alone
of a womans sexual appeal. he was murdered for such beliefs.

it is those areas in life, i wish not to endure as they did yet in so many
ways, i already do.

it is the man in the crowd in the store who's eyes go out to meet anyone
elses, strangers yet common known persons whom at the least are as equal to
him. it is the women that pass by that he consciously refrains from taking
interest into other than they are living and deserved of respect regardless
of their past history.

it is the woman who stops to hold conversation with another man.

it is the woman who turns to her man and states "you could have anyone of
those woman, they'd throw themselves at you, all i want is that man".

it is the man that doesn't ignore such a well spoken statement from someone
who is diagnosed with speech problems, doesn't forget the statement, but
doesn't dwell on it either knowing it is a process of time to stop such
behavior, be it seconds, minutes, weeks or longer.

where the heart is, fully and whether or not where that heart is, is it
equally wanted or wanted at all.

how bout you.

Post by W. K. Mahler. mahlers.com
lasik surgery anyone?
i had it, summer 2000
it was said, that if the eye seems to go blind temporarily, smokes and or
smells like burning hair.
it isn't permanent that you'd be blind 100 percent of the time.
i did go blind for seconds
after the dual eye surgery, one after the other
it was my left eye, that did smoke, burn and go blind during the process
and was the better of the two eyes
but now
a child who saw me at cumberland farms today
looked me in the face
and said to her mom
"that must be the camera they put in his eyes"
at the time,
my left eye was twitching
as if it were a camera shutter.
for almost a week now.
not 24/7 but it is even as i type
now i don't know if there are pictures going anywhere, and if they are, i
don't know where at all.
i do know that there is nuclear science out there that was based on
fiction, the 6 million dollar man, with a bionic eye.
it is m2 technologies inc. www.m2tech.us that has been researched on the
internet by many that lead to the idea that such photographic technology
may exist.
i do know
i was and still am totally serious
that the effects of anti psychotics do cause eye twitching
and i do not have prescriptions for those that are given to me to go have
nor does cape cod hospital and bayview associates have the legal right to
dispense without my consent.
i am not a patient currently of either of them.
so as this stomach of mine has an ache.
and i am continually harrassed to take medicines of the mind
i am only left to theorize that
someone has put them in me.
i don't care if it was a federal law
i don't care if it were a law of love
i am hereby telling you of my intent.
to bring to justice, the persons responsible
at all costs.
i do not enjoy being partially whole.
i do not condone it either.
i do not believe for a second that i am doing any good, as good as i could.
view the movie "a beautiful mind", an oscar winner.
the math genius in that movie was forcefully drugged and he could not
function as a husband at any level with medicines.
he could not work his mathmatical expertise as well and could not hold a
job either.
he got off the medicine permanently. he did much better afterwards.
those medicines then, albiet updated and there are new ones.
do indeed cause the same effects wholly.
i do fully intend to come to the root cause of a few persons decisions to
enact what they may have. justice, my brand of justice will be served.
now please, get me off cape cod permanently and out of this country
http://www.mahlers.com World Media Host Org.
http://worldmediahost.no-ip.com:8000 Internet Radio
http://www.winamp.com/player Windows & Mac
Concert For South East Asia, www.gillettestadium.com
Make it happen and smile with the entire world.
alt.binaries.photos.original www.teranews.com